When you are working on a new website, keep your users in mind. Here are some do’s and don’ts for new and redesigned websites.
DO use a professional design and development company to complete your project.
This is always your best option for a truly customized and optimized website!
DO ask for help when you need it
If you feel overwhelmed by updating your website, be sure to ask your website professional to assist.
DO use bold calls-to-action
DO focus on content and search engine optimization.
Text content is important to give your visitors an idea of your goals.
DO make your website responsive.
Responsive Design “responds” according to the type of device and size of screen it is on.
DO keep your site clean and simple.
DON’T use a website “builder” such as Wix or SquareSpace
These builders are not optimized for SEO, and are not always easily customizable, and should be avoided for professional sites.
DON’T sacrifice usability for the sake of beauty
A design should never interfere with a user’s ability to consume the content or interact.
DON’T use blinking text and ads
Flickering and flashing effects could potentially trigger seizures and can come across being annoying or distracting for regular users.
DON’T play background music or Autoplay videos with music
Unexpected music could prevent visitors from remaining on your website and the user may be in a public place or near someone who does not wish to be disturbed.
Ready to get started? Contact us today for more information!